Construction of an office building is completed (finished) with large rooms but once tenants move in, it is necessary to design the detailed layout according to the plans. We design the building after hearing the tenant’s requests and attend fire inspections and design inspections.

Completion of Construction
in a Large Room

Once construction is completed and a tenant is selected, various requests arise such as the need to install partitions for conference rooms and other small rooms, to create a computer room, or to build a cafeteria for employees. Tenant design is a response to these requests.

Design Work for Tenant

Specific tenant designs include modifications to the building’s standard HVAC equipment, additions of HVAC equipment, changes to lighting and additions to power supplies. Based on the building’s basic design specifications, we will design in accordance with the tenant’s needs and regulations.


We work with Kajima Corporation from the design phase to ensure compliance with laws & regulations. Upon completion of construction, we will attend inspections by the fire department and building permit inspectors together with Kajima Corporation where required. We provide support in all areas for which we are responsible.