中野セントラルパーク サウス
神田明神 文化交流館

With the introduction of the Evacuation Safety Verification Method and Fire Resistance Performance Verification in the 2000 revision of the Building Standard Acts, it is now possible to design fire-resistant buildings according to the characteristics of the building. There is not necessarily a single correct answer to the performance design of such buildings, and it is necessary to derive the best plan from a variety of methods suited to each building. Our engineers specializing in building disaster prevention planning support safe and rational building planning. We also offer the latest expertise in maintenance and preservation of existing buildings, additions and renovations, legal compliance and tenant design support, from new construction through post-construction operations.

What is Performance Design?

In 2000, the Evacuation Safety Verification Method and Fire Resistance Performance Verification were introduced to the Building Standard Acts to verify disaster prevention safety by considering the flow of people and the impact on the building in the event of a fire. In contrast to Route A, which uses conventional specification rules, advanced methods (Route B/C) are used to verify fire safety, which is not possible with the normal design method (Route A) due to
● Improved design
● Reduction of construction costs
and other design considerations.

Image of Safety of Each
Part of the Building

In the case of specifications (Route A), design is carried out as stipulated by law and while it is less time-consuming, there are cases of excessive design that do not fit possible real-life situations. In the case of performance specifications (Route B/C), design is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of individual buildings. There is not necessarily one correct answer to performance design, and we make the most appropriate proposal by listening to the needs of the designer from the early stages of the design process.


Advantages of Adopting Fire
Performance Verification

  • Reduction of fireproof covering (labor reduction, VE effect)
  • Steel members inside the EV shaft, seismic isolators in the intermediate seismic isolation layer and fireproof cladding on CFT columns
  • Wooden and membrane roof plans are possible.


Evacuation Safety Verification and Design Involvement (Case Study)

「中野セントラルパーク サウス」